Podrum Braća Rajković

Podrum Braća Rajković (the Braća Rajković Cellar) is one of the best wine producers in the Župa region. Written evidence about the wine tradition of the Rajković family dates back to 1834, which is when the first census in Serbia took place, although this tradition is a whole century older according to family spoken history

The Župa region near Aleksandrovac is one of the oldest wine regions in the Balkans, with a large number of sunny days during the year. According to written documents the tradition of vine growing dates back to the 12th century when the Serbian monarch Stefan Nemanja gave the land in this region to the Studenica monastery for the purpose of vine growing. The Rajković winery is located in the village of Gornje Zleginje in Župa.

This cellar is quite specific in its attempt to use indigenous grape varieties for producing wines that are truly unique in character. Among others, they use the Rskavac, Prokupac, Vranac, Bojadiser and Začinak grape varieties. Rskavac is an indigenous Serbian grape variety which is nowadays being grown mostly in the Župa region only. The Rajković winery produces their Prince wine from this grape, blended with 3% Merlot and 8% Bojadiser (another indigenous variety)

The wines in the Rajkovic cellar are created with the combination of tradition, love and dedication, and they have gathered the highest awards on all relevant domestic wine fairs.

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Dina Barrique
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